
The Installation and Operation of MBR DEERFOS (KOREA) Filtration System

Installation and Operation of DEERFOS MBR Filtration System (KOREA)

The process of installing MBR filtration system

Step 1: Equipment and Material Preparation
Before beginning the installation, ensure you have prepared all necessary equipment and materials, including MBR membranes, filter tanks, connecting pipes, and other components.

Step 2: Determine Installation Location
Select an installation location that allows the system to operate most efficiently. Consider factors such as visibility, convenience for maintenance, and easy access.

Step 3: Install MBR Membranes
Follow the installation procedure as instructed by the manufacturer. Ensure that the MBR membranes are properly placed and sealed to prevent leakage.

Step 4: Connect the System
Connect the MBR membranes to other parts of the system, including filter tanks, storage tanks, and piping systems. Ensure that all connections are made securely and without any gaps.

The operation manual for MBR filtration system

Step 1: Pre-operation System Check
Before each operation, inspect the system to ensure all components are functioning correctly. Check pressure, water level, and other important parameters.

Step 2: System Activation
Activate the MBR system in the instructed sequence. Ensure that all startup processes occur smoothly and without any issues.

Step 3: Activity Monitoring
Monitor the system's activity throughout the operation. Observe pressure, incoming and outgoing water quality to ensure the MBR membrane is functioning effectively.

MBR System Maintenance
Step 1: Scheduled Maintenance
Perform regular maintenance based on the schedule recommended by the manufacturer. This includes inspecting and cleaning the membrane, replacing faulty components, and evaluating system performance.

Step 2: Proactive Monitoring
Continuously monitor and record changes in the system's operation. This helps identify potential issues early and reduces the risk of sudden failures.

Repairing the MBR filter system

Step 1: Identify the Problem
If any issues arise, identify the cause and scope of the problem. Conduct detailed checks to provide an accurate assessment.

Step 2: Implement Repairs
Based on the assessment results, carry out necessary repair measures. Replace faulty components, clean filters, or adjust settings as required.

Common Issues When Using MBR Partitioning

Issue 1: Membrane Clogging
Describe the issue and the approach to address membrane clogging.

Issue 2: Decreased Efficiency
Analyze the causes and provide solutions to overcome the problem of decreased efficiency.

Issue 3: Water Leakage
Guide on identifying leaks and implementing repair steps to prevent this condition.

This article provides a comprehensive guide on the installation, operation, maintenance, and repair of MBR filtration systems, as well as addressing common issues when using MBR membranes. Please adhere to these guidelines to ensure the highest performance and longevity for your system.


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Viet Water is one of the reputable units, located at 339 Pham Van Bach, Ward 15, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City. With tax code 0312931928, the company provides Deerfos MBR membrane filters, committed to ensuring quality and reasonable prices.


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